Effective Use |
Larger grain borer, weevils, moths and dried bean beetle
For Use On |
Storage structures and granaries
Contents |
Pirimiphos Methyl 18g/kg
Thiamethozam 4g/lg
Pack Size |
200g, 500g
Directions for Use |
- Clean out the storage structure/granary first and treat the walls and floors by spraying with Shumba Supermax EC50 diluted at a rate of 75 ml/10 ltr of water
- For maximum protection soak the empty grain bags in Sumba Supermax EC 50 solution diluted at a rate of 15ml,2 ltr of water or 75ml/10 ltr of water depending on the quantity of bags being treated
- Before treating the grain, put aside enough grain to be consumed in the next 30 days
- Grain must be treated at the time of storage. It must be shelled and must be free from prior insect infestation
- After applying Shumba Plus to the grain, it is important to mix the grain thoroughly, preferably using a shovel on a cemented or plastic protected surface
- Grain treated according to the recommended rates and directions on this label will be protected for at least twelve (12) months
RATE OF USE: Apply one heaped lid of Shumba PLUS and sprinkle onto 1 bag (50kg) of grain (One heaped full lid holds 25g of insecticide). One 200g container of Shumba PLUS is enough to treat 8 x 50 kg bags of grain
Withdrawal Period |
Grain is safe for consumption 30 days after treatment. Grain to be consumed after treatment must be cleaned by winnowing (kuwurutsa).
Precautions |
- Persons under advice from doctor not to handle organophosphates, should not be allowed to work with Shumba Plus
- Wear synthetic or PVC gloves and protective clothing when using product
- DO NOT eat, drink or smoke whilst applying the insecticide before washing hands
- Keep out of reach of children and store in original container under LOCK AND KEY
- Keep apart from FOOD AND FOODSTUFFS
- Dangerous to FISH AND BEES
- EMPTY CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Triple –rinse, perforate and flatten empty containers. Bury away from underground water sources. DO NOT re-use container for any other purpose
- If possible, offer the container for recycling.
- DO NOT contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with product
In case of poisoning, contact a doctor and make the label available to them and also call (Datis), Drug and toxicology Information Services on 0242 307148/0786100098 for additional information.