Amitik WP Cattle Dip controls ticks when used at weekly intervals.
Initial Filling Rate:
1 pack (250g) Amitik WP Cattle Dip per 900 litres of water in the tank.
Calculate the number of packs required.
Open all of the Amitik dip packs required and add to approx. 15 L of water (keep the lime stabiliser separate to use later).
Stir well and add to the dip tank pouring from end to end.
Dip at least 25 head to agitate and mix the wash and return these to the collecting pen for re-dipping. This procedure should be performed at the start of each day’s dipping to agitate the dip wash ensuring that all cattle are dipped in full strength dip wash
At the end of the day’s dipping sprinkle all the packs of stabilizer from the open packs onto the dip wash surface. Do not agitate