Application Type: Plunge Dip, Hand spray or Spray Race
Plunge Dipping
Should be applied with stabilizer
Each Triatix 2L added requires a 6-kg lime bag to be sprinkled onto the water at the end of each dipping.
Filling Rate (initial fill):
- 1 pack (2 liters) Triatix per 1000 litres of water in the tank.
- Open all the 2-liter containers and empty into a bucket.
- Pre-cream with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the tank.
- Pour into the dip tank from end to end.
- Dip at least 25 head to agitate.
- Mix the wash and return these to the collecting pen for re-dipping.
- This procedure should be performed at the start of each day’s dipping in a full-strength wash.
There are 2 methods:
- Coopers Head Count System (HCS) of Replenishment
- A single 2-liter Triatix is added for every 250 head dipped.
- Replenishment should take place at the end of the dipping or after 500 cattle dipped – whichever comes first.
- The required volume of concentrate is pre-creamed and added to the dip wash, and the stabilizer sprinkled onto the surface of the dip wash.
- Top up the tank to the full mark with water immediately prior to the next dipping.
- For convenience and accuracy use the Triatix Record Sheet.
- This method is strongly recommended as it maintains the dip wash at the correct concentrate and therefore dip wash analysis is seldom required.
- Conventional Method of Replenishment
- A single 2-liter Triatix is to be added for every 600 litres of water added to the dip tank.
- Mix as described under Filling Rate.
- At the end of the day’s dipping sprinkle all the packs of stabilizer from the open packs onto the dip wash surface.
- Do not agitate.
Handspraying (Ruminants & Pigs)
Dilution Rate: 1:500
16L Knapsack: Mix 16L of water with 32ml of Triatix.
Spray Race
Initial filling rate: 1: 500
- Fill spray race sump with 400 litres of water plus 2.5 litres for every animal to be sprayed.
- Pre-cream concentrate with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the sump.
- Always prepare fresh wash for each day’s spraying.
Boost rate:
- Add 250ml of Triatix for every 100 head through the spray race.
- Under heavy tick challenge clip hair from ears and tail brushes to assist wetting.